Frequently Asked Questions What is Acupuncture? Acupuncture has been developed over the last 2500 years. Acupuncture is the use of needles to manipulate the several different physiological processes to create, restore and maintain health. What does Acupuncture Treat? Medical Research has shown Acupuncture to be successfully in treating many different conditions. The National Institute of Health (NIH) and the World Health Organization (WHO) recognize acupuncture to be effective in treating the following (in alphabetical order): anxiety, ankle pain, arthritis, bronchitis, chronic fatigue, colitis, common cold, dental pain, digestive trouble, eye problems, facial palsy, fatigue, fibromyalgia, headache, indigestion, inflammation (chronic and acute), Irritable howl syndrome, ligament sprains, low back pain, menopause, migraines, muscle strains, nausea, osteoarthritis, pain, plantar fasciitis, sciatica, shoulder pain, sinusitis, sleep disturbances, sore throat, stress, tennis elbow, trigeminal neuralgia, wrist pain, Does Acupuncture Hurt? Acupuncture should not hurt in the sense that most people associate pain. Most acupuncture needles are 1/25th the diameter of common medical needles. Most 14 gauge medical needles used for injections or blood draws are 5mm. The needles used in acupuncture are often only twice the diameter of a human hair (0.22mm). Once the needle is inserted some points should have a deep heavy feeling associated with them, this is called "deqi," and is completely normal and desired. What kind of needles do you use? All needles are specifically made for acupuncture. They are one time use only, and come sterilized and sealed from the factory. Used needles are put in a sharps container for proper disposal. How long is a treatment? Most acupuncture treatments last about 35-45 minutes. Does insurance cover acupuncture? Insurance varies between states, providers and individual plans. Contact your insurance provider to find out what your plan covers. Questions to ask include: Does my plan cover acupuncture? How many visits per year are covered? Does my plan require a co-pay? Does my plan have a deductible and if so has it been met? Tucker is credentialed with some insurance providers and actively working to join others.
In Network Provider: Aetna, Cinga, United, Premera, LifeWise